пятница, 28 февраля 2020 г.


Tue Jan 18, 4: What I'm trying to say is that what you need to do is find out what kind of hardware your adapter is exactly, and find a better driver. Either the hotsync will begin right away or nothing will happen. Recent Contents About Search. If you run any kernel above 2.
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This should get you a file called " Is cabpe another adaptor that works better? It also includes a small picture of the adapter: I've only tried this with my old Palm IIIxwhich I set to acble at that device's highest speedbps with flow control on.

Installing and Using If you download a package from one of the sites referenced above then just double-click it in the Finder. Fri, 20 Aug Connect the cradle to the adapter, pop the Palm into the cradle, and hit the button.

USB Serial Adapter Drivers Page

I've only used this driver on OSX I think if you find one of these devices for sale you would have a good chance of it working with OS X using one of these driver versions, but there's no guarantee. Tell me which version of OSX you are running, and anything else that might be helpful to other readers.

I'm thrilled to have use of my Psion again. I still have the receipt for the device which was recently purchased and I think I'll just spring for the Keyspan one--at least that company still is in business. The drivers I discuss here can be used, according to some, oconcepts a handful of other devices and adapters sold under various names that happen to use the same chipset. And Abiword iconceps doing a fine job of editing Psion Word docs.

You might try plugging it into a different port if that doesn't work.

Prolific Drivers - Plugable

Unfortunately, after restarting, it still isn't working for me. They also have versons for Mac OS 8. How Did It Go?

Thu, 31 May Jammywanks New Member Posts: USB cable success Date: If iconcephs download a package from one of the sites referenced above then just double-click it in the Finder.

I can't get the darned thing to work. I got a killer deal on an old Palm and it is looking less like a deal every minute. Tue Jan 18, 4: Either the hotsync will begin right away or nothing will happen. This is so you can plug serial devices into your USB port Macs have not had serial ports for some time.

iConcepts USB - Serial adapter: driver for OS

Restart with the iConcepts device plugged into the port, and start the Hotsync application. They say it supports OS X up to Or any other brand for that matter?

Thanks for your message! In the latter case, try rebooting your machine again, leaving the adapter plugged in.

Thank you for your research. You might want to use rm -ri instead, which will prompt you for every file before removing it.

Tue, 24 Feb Spend some time searching and you will find a better driver that works the way you want. Seriaal Contents About Search.

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